<< Board Information

Our Board Members

The Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County (WDC) Board is an active, committed group of majority private sector members, as well as leaders from labor groups, youth and adult education entities, and state and local government agencies.

In alphabetical order by last name.

Monty Anderson
Executive Secretary
Seattle Building & Construction Trades Council

Sharon Bias
Regional Administrator, Community Services Division - Region 2
Economic Services Administration, Department of Social & Health Services

Gina Breukelman
Senior Manager, Puget Sound
Boeing Global Engagement

Caroline Chan

Janice Classerath
Senior Vice President, People

Jane Broom Davidson
Senior Director, Microsoft Philanthropies

Ligaya Domingo
Education Director
Service Employees International Union Healthcare 1199NW

Katie Garrow, Secretary
Executive Secretary-Treasurer
MLK County Labor Council

Dr. Yoshiko Harden
Renton Technical college

Kate Harkess
Senior VP Human Resources
Sellen Construction

Susan McLaughlin, Ph.D.
Behavioral Health and Recovery Division
King County

Nicholas Michiels
Vocational Rehabilitation Supervisor
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

Jiquanda Nelson, Chair
Chief Executive Officer
People Decoders

Anna Pavlik
Director, Workforce Development
Port of Seattle

Norton Sweet
Central Sound Regional Director
Employment Security Department
Pierce | King County

Vaughn Taylor
Vice President
Economic Development
Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce

Lars Turner
Vice President
Offshore Pacific Ports

Edwin Wanji
CEO and Founder
Sphere Solar Energy

Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEOs)

Ashton Allison
Director of Economic Development
Office of King County Executive

Markham McIntyre
Director of Economic Development
City of Seattle