Eligible Training & Occupations in Demand
Eligible Training & Occupations
In order to receive financial support for training, many federal and state programs require that the training provider (a community college program, for example) be on the Eligible Training Provider List. Many also require that the occupation that the person seeks training for is “in demand” in the economy.
The Eligible Training Provider List is a list of training providers that are approved by the state to receive federal state training funds to train or re-train workers in Washington. It is maintained and coordinated by the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board for Washington State through the Washington Career Bridge website.
Demand/Decline List
As required by the state, the WDC maintains a Qualifying Occupations List that catalogs occupations and skill sets that are in high demand and those that are declining in the Seattle-King County area. It is the foundation for eligibility for training benefits under the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act, Unemployment Insurance, WorkFirst, and Commissioner-Approved Training. This list is annually updated using information provided by the Labor Market and Economic Analysis division of Employment Security.
Qualifying Occupations List - Employment Security Department (filter for region and job category)