Board & Committees

The Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) is an active, committed group with a majority of private sector industry leaders as well as leaders from labor groups, youth and adult education, community-based organizations, and state and local government agencies.

The board is a “roll-up-your-sleeves” working group dedicated to meeting the workforce development needs of the Seattle-King County region, increasing equity and prosperity in the region. The board is proud to serve as stewards of public and private workforce funding, ensuring investments deliver high-impact results and follow transparent processes.

Board Resources

Upcoming Meetings

Recent Meetings



Chair: Jiquanda Nelson, Chief Executive Officer, Diversity Window

Vice Chair: Open

Secretary: Open

Treasurer: Open

Finance & Administration Committee

Chair: Jiquanda Nelson, Chief Executive Officer, Diversity Window

Racial Equity Committee

Chair: Ligaya Domingo, Education Director, Service Employees International Union Healthcare 1199NW

Policy Workgroup

Chair: Katie Garrow, Executive Secretary-Treasurer, MLK County Labor Council