WDC Joins “Beyond the Cliff Coalition” to Combat Benefits Cliff and Foster Economic Prosperity

The Workforce Development Council (WDC) of Seattle-King County is excited to announce its participation in the Beyond the Cliff Coalition, a pioneering national collaborative aimed at helping families achieve economic prosperity by addressing the benefits cliff. This issue affects millions of low-income families who face financial setbacks when increased earnings lead to a sudden loss of public assistance.

King County has the highest cost of living in Washington, with over 27% of the state’s struggling households residing in the region. The WDC is committed to tackling the benefits cliff, recognizing that employment alone often does not ensure financial stability or upward mobility. Current policies in Washington discourage career advancement among low-income workers, creating barriers to long-term economic growth.

The WDC believes that evaluating the relationship between benefits, workforce development, and policy is crucial for establishing pathways to economic mobility. Our ongoing work includes advocating for policy changes, such as a transition period with 100% earnings disregard for up to 12 months, to support income and career advancement without financial setbacks.

The Beyond the Cliff Coalition is led by the Martha O’Bryan Center, with funding from the Kresge Foundation, and includes various partners across the nation. The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and Economic Mobility Pathways (EMPath) will provide advisory support.

For more information about the Beyond the Cliff Coalition and its members, read the official press release from the Martha O’Bryan Center.


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