New & Revised Policies Published

April 19, 2019

The Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County published new and updated policies for the public workforce system on April 19, 2019, after incorporating feedback received during a public comment period.

To view the policies, visit our Policies & Guidelines page.


LINK: Policy 01-2005 Accommodation (V3)

Summary: This policy was revised to 1) align with state level WIOA Title 1 Policy 5402, Rev 2, Dec 12, 2018; 2) comply with a new policy template to assure greater consistency and readability; and 3) clarify the expectation that all partners who are part of the WorkSource Seattle-King County System provide reasonable accommodations to customers who require them.

Key Policy Provisions:

  • The revised policy recognizes the WDC’s role in assuring that the entire regional WorkSource System, not only contracted services providers, meet state and federal expectations to meet the needs of customers with disabilities. 

  • The previous policy only applied to “WDC contracted partners” while the revised policy directs “all WDC contractors and One Stop system partners” to comply with the policy.


LINK: Policy 09-2003 Audit Resolution and Debt Collection (V3)

Summary: This policy was revised to 1) update state and federal references, 2) comply with a new policy template to assure greater consistency and readability, and 3) integrate a process for resolving audit exceptions. 

Key Policy Provisions:

  • The previous policy consisted of two separate linked policies for audit resolution and debt collection.  The revision integrates the requirements of these two policies into a single process in order to clarify expectations and streamline processes for staff and contractors.

  • The new version of the policy integrates a process for resolving audit exceptions forwarded to the Board’s Executive Committee.


LINK: Policy 09-2002 Conflict of Interest (V4)

Summary: This policy was revised to 1) update references to state level WIOA Policy 5405 Rev 1 Jan 30, 2017 and 2) comply with a new policy template to assure greater consistency and readability.

Key Policy Provisions:

  • The policy seeks to minimize the potential for conflicts of interest impacting WDC contracting and decision-making processes. 

  • The policy defines conflicts of interest and clarifies expectations for board members and contractors when faced with such a conflict.


LINK: Policy 03-2019 Dispute Resolution (V1)

Summary: This policy was revised to 1) align with state level WIOA Policy 5401, Rev 1, May 9, 2016 and 2) comply with a new policy template to assure greater consistency and readability.

Key Policy Provisions:

  • The policy describes how partners within the WorkSource System will resolve disputes among themselves.

  • As per state guidance, the policy focuses on addressing disputes at the lowest level possible and only escalating these when informal attempts at resolution fail.


LINK: Eligibility Policy and Documentation Requirements (V7)
LINK: Attachment A: Eligibility Policy Handbook

Summary: Extensive revisions were made to comply with a new policy template to improve readability, update state and federal references, and to update the attached handbook to align with recent changes made to state level WIOA Policy 1019, Rev 4, Dec 28, 2018.

Key Policy Provisions: 

  • This policy codifies the requirements for determination of eligibility for both WIOA Title I-funded and other programs. 

  • This policy includes a handbook that describes federal, state and local requirements, templates and other resources to reduce the risk of errors related to participant eligibility and data validation. 


LINK: Policy 07-2002 Equal Opportunity and Nondiscrimination (V2)

Summary: This policy was revised to 1) align with state level Title 1 Policy #5402, Rev 2, Jan 12, 2018 and 2) comply with a new policy template to assure greater consistency and readability.

Key Policy Provisions: 

  • This policy clarifies the expectations for those who provide services funded with federal resources to meet the requirements for providing equal opportunity and avoid discrimination.

  • While the content of the policy has not changed significantly from the previous version, the revisions to improve readability and clarity were extensive and deemed worthy of public review and comment.


LINK: Policy 03-2000 Individual Training Account (V6)

Summary: This policy was revised to 1) update references and align with state level WIOA Policies #5601 and #5611 and 2) comply with a new policy template to assure greater consistency and readability.

Key Policy Provisions: 

  • This policy provides the federal, state, and local requirements for using WIOA Title I resources to fund training for eligible participants and the limits to the use of funds for these purposes. 

  • The policy clarifies expectations for the use of the state Eligible Training Provider list to identify training programs, as well as the requirements for participant choice and participant engagement in the development and successful completion of training activities. 


LINK: Policy 03-2018 On the Job Training for Title 1 Programs (V1)

Summary: This is anew local policy to consolidate federal, state and local regulations regarding On the Job Training for WIOA Title 1 eligible adults, dislocated workers and youth.

Key Policy Provisions:

  • This policy clarifies the conditions under which WIOA Title I resources may be used to fund On the Job Training for eligible participants.

  • This policy also explains the requirements for businesses to be eligible to receive WIOA Title I funds under the On the Job Training program.

  • The policy clarifies the situations in which WIOA Title I resources may not be used for On the Job Training.


LINK: Policy 02-2019 Political Activity (V1)

Summary: This is a new local policy to consolidate federal and state (RCW and ESD) guidelines regarding restrictions on political activities paid with federal or state funds, and disclosure requirements for other allowable political activities if paid with private funds. 

Key Policy Provisions:

  • The policy defines political activity and prohibits the engagement in such activities by individuals funded with state and federal resources. 

  • The policy differentiates between personal engagement in political activities and those undertaken as a representative of the WDC.


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