Free Online + Print Career Planning Resource, "Map Your Career"

“Map Your Career” microsite and print booklet for people of all career stages


Seattle, Wash. – Community members of all ages and life stages are invited to use the newly redesigned career planning resource provided by the Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County—"Map Your Career.” Map Your Career brings together labor market data with research around career pathways—both in the education system and within industries—in order to represent job opportunities in Seattle-King County now and in the future in a visual format that is accessible to students and jobseekers.

Where do you want to be in 10 years? It's a daunting question, no matter where you are now. Life changes, careers go in different directions. People learn things along the way that make them smarter and wiser. “Map Your Career” is an educational tool designed to illustrate the current and predicted labor market in Seattle- King County. 

In a classroom or in a career counseling setting, Map Your Career is most useful for those seeking to broaden awareness around local opportunities, and to inspire further discovery of education, training pathways, and networking starting points. The resource has been accessed by thousands over the past five years, including with release to school districts, WorkSource Seattle-King County job centers, and other community centers throughout the region. 

Not only is the microsite responsive to devices (mobile, tablet, desktop), but it contains the most recent release of data related to industry opportunities, job titles and wages.

“We are thrilled to release this exciting redesigned resource to the community,” says Dot Fallihee, interim Chief Executive Officer. “Educators and community members of all ages seeking long-term, self-sufficient employment in Seattle-King County can benefit in their contributions to our thriving region.”

Check out the recording of the “Resource Showcase” to learn more about how to use the application:

The Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County is a nonprofit, grant-making organization dedicated to creating career pathways for adults and youth through demand-driven workforce and training programs. Led by a majority private sector board representing industry and partner agencies, the Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County is positioned to serve both industry and community members as partners and customers. Learn more at

Media Contact
Joe Taylor, Strategic Communications 
Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County |  206-448-0474 x 3031

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