Add'l Policies Released for Public Comment, Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act

Six policies of the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) have been released for public comment. 

Policy 01-2014, Incident Reporting
Policy 01-2017, Incumbent Worker Training
Policy 02-2001, WIOA Eligibility Guidelines and Documentation
Policy 02-2001, AttA Eligibility Policy Handbook
Policy 03-2002, Procurement and Selection of Service Providers
Policy 04-2002, Property Management and Inventory Policy

View each by clicking on the image (left), or via our "Policies & Guidelines" webpage, here. A link to a summary of the proposed changes is available there as well.

Please send comments to by Monday, March 6th.

Thank you!



Resources: WorkSource Site Certification 2017


Policies Released for Public Comment, Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act