New Free, Open Access App for Work Opportunity Data

Interactive resource launched for industry and job market information

Seattle, Wash.- The Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County is pleased to release an interactive, open access resource for community members in Seattle-King County, including job seekers, career counselors, researchers, students or potential students, employers, educators, the press and more. The application can be accessed via   

This new, web-based application offers easy to use dropdown queries that quickly result in providing clear data on industry-specific information related to job opportunities in Seattle-King County specifically. Users are able to cross reference information by wage, education level required, occupation, and industry. This new app will allow users to search for specific occupations in high demand, access wage data for those jobs. 

The application is self-serve, and can help users identify surpluses and shortages for occupations in a variety of industries and industry clusters. Career counselors will benefit from helping individuals walk through what opportunities exist and what education or training is required. A regional map shows where programs are located in local educational institutions like training providers, community colleges and more, so users can take the next step in their career pathway. Employers can see where talent is coming from regionally as well.

“We are confident this new tool will be valuable for employers, educators, and those seeking long-term, living-wage jobs in King County,” says Marléna Sessions, chief executive officer of the Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County. 

Attend one of two “Resource Showcase” virtual events on Tuesday, October 25 from 2:00-3:00pm or Wednesday, November 2 from 1:30-2:30pm. Register via Eventbrite, here

Media Contact
Hannah Mello, Communications Program Manager
Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County  | (206) 448-0474


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