Youth Apprenticeship Works
Resources for partners designing and implementing youth apprenticeships, with steps to get started.
The goal of this page is to compile program resources to expand student access to apprenticeship pathways for 16-24-year-old young adults in King County. These resources are one outcome from asset mapping exercises with K-12 Career Technical Education leaders, intermediaries, and apprenticeship programs.
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Getting Started
Apprenticeship Program Standards - Contract Form
This contract form is for use where apprenticeship agreements are between a school/college, an employer, and a minor. This contract form outlines how an apprenticeship works, identifies specific requirements for an apprenticeship, and provides a baseline standard for apprenticeship programs.
Youth Apprenticeship Program Checklist
This checklist highlights 11 essential components of a youth apprenticeship program. Each component has important requirements to consider when establishing a youth apprenticeship program and each component of the checklist is accompanied by relevant examples.
Career Connect WA
Career Directory
The Career Directory is a search engine that connects students or prospective apprentices with current apprenticeship opportunities based on an individual’s interests and location.
Regional Networks & CCL Coordinators
This interactive map allows users to select their region and then lists contact information for Career Connect’s regional network providers and Career Connected Learning (CCL) Coordinators. Regional network providers primarily maintain cross-industry partnerships to expand opportunities for students, and CCL Coordinators help regions operate within Washington’s K-12 education system.
Sector Intermediaries
This page highlights seven unique sectors that Career Connect has engaged with to foster improved collaboration amongst employers and create equitable opportunities for students. Career Connect has partnered with specific organizations within each of these seven sectors. This page includes additional details about each of these organizations as well as contact information.
Program Map & Data
Career Connect’s program map highlights the location of all active, developing, and past apprenticeship programs. The map can filter apprenticeship opportunities based on factors such as geographic region, industry, and program type. Additionally, this page highlights enrollment, occupation, and programming outcomes.
WA State Labor & Industires (L&I) Resources
Become an Apprentice - WA State L&I
Become an Apprentice outlines who can obtain an apprenticeship, the first steps in obtaining an apprenticeship, the benefits of an apprenticeship, and what career industries offer apprenticeships. This page contains specific information for women, minorities, veterans, youth, and tribal members interested in pursuing an apprenticeship.
Hiring Teens Fact-Sheet - WA State L&I
This brochure answers many questions employers, teen workers, and parents might have about non-agricultural work rules, permits, and conditions for working minors (including teens working in their family’s non-agricultural business). Brochure contents include employer requirements, wage requirements, maximum work hours, break requirements, prohibited work, and penalties for violating labor laws.
Youth Resources
Youth Apprenticeship Resources - WorkforceGPS
This page highlights what a youth apprenticeship is and provides additional apprenticeship resources. Additional resources include apprenticeship examples, pre-apprenticeship toolkits, case studies, webinars, and child labor law materials.
Youth Apprenticeship Resources - Youtube Playlist
This YouTube playlist supplies more than 50 videos focused on student experiences in apprenticeship programs that span several unique career sectors. Multiple videos also discuss the added benefits associated with apprenticeship programs versus alternative education opportunities.
Financial Aid for Apprentices - Reference Sheet
This reference sheet provides a quick overview of public funding sources that students can access to cover tuition costs associated with their apprenticeship or pre-apprenticeship program.
Industry Resources
Industry-Specific Resource Pages - WorkforceGPS
This page offers industry-specific tools, successful program examples, and other resources that can help start and expand Registered Apprenticeship programs across a variety of industry sectors.
Construction Apprenticeship Guidebook 2022
This guidebook outlines the benefits of a construction apprenticeship as compared to a traditional college degree and highlights the necessary steps to achieve a pre-apprenticeship or apprenticeship in the construction industry. It also identifies specific pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship opportunities with their respective eligibility requirements, application process, hourly wages and contact information.