Resources: WorkSource Site Certification 2023
The Workforce Development Council of Seattle-King County (WDC) is thrilled to embark on our WorkSource Site Certification process for current sites.
The three levels of WorkSource Site Certification are as follows:
WorkSource Seattle-King County Center
WorkSource Seattle-King County Affiliate
WorkSource Seattle-King County Connection Site*
*For those organizations that have multiple Connection Site locations, a separate application is required for each. Thank you!
WorkSource Site Certification criteria is based on the Washington State Employment Security Department's One Stop Evaluation and Certification Policy.
The purpose of this post is to provide supporting documents and the process timelines for reference along the way.
Center and Affiliate Site applications must be submitted via email to Connection Site applications must be submitted through the Connection Site Recertification Application form. All applications are due by Wednesday, March 22, 2023.
Functional and programmatic integration
Performance and accountability
Service Provision: Services, Universal Access, and Outreach
Customer satisfaction
Staff competence
Employer engagement
Site-specific continuous quality improvement (CQI) goal – locally added criteria
WorkSource Seattle-King County Sites:
Center and Affiliate Certification Timeline
Please note: Center and Affiliate Site applications, and all attachments, must be emailed to by March 22, 2023.
Updated March 30, 2023
Connection Site Certification Timeline
Please note: Connection Site applications must be submitted using the Connection Site Recertification Application form by March 22, 2023.
Here are answers to questions that have come up from site applicants. We want to ensure that all can benefit from the information. Check back soon for more.
Last updated: March 7, 2023
Accessible to the general public during regular business days, as well as physically and programmatically accessible to individuals with disabilities
Portal site for electronic access
Provider of basic and individualized career services, and training services
Provider of business services
Representation of five mandated partners (WIOA Titles I-IV, TANF)
Additional related employment and training resources
Accessible to the general public and physically and programmatically accessible to individuals with disabilities
Portal site for electronic access
Provider of basic career services
Representation of one or more mandated partners
Additional related employment and training resources
Established working relationship as part of an integrated system of WorkSource sites
Accessible to the general public or targeted population that includes physical and programmatic access to individuals with disabilities
Portal site for electronic access
Provider of basic career services
Additional related employment and training resources
Established working relationship as part of an integrated system of WorkSource sites
All sites at which the staff member spends time can claim the staff member as one of their own.
Note: Partners do not have to be physically located on the site, but there must be a quick-referral designee for each mandated partner/title.
The Self-Assessment section of the certification form is where a site can list challenges it is facing as well as plans and ideas for how to address these challenges.
Title I—Workforce Development Activities: authorizes job training and related services to unemployed or underemployed individuals and establishes the governance and performance accountability system for WIOA.
Title II—Adult Education and Literacy: authorizes education services to assist adults in improving their basic skills, completing secondary education, and transitioning to postsecondary education.
Title III—Amendments to the Wagner-Peyser Act: amends the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933 to integrate the U.S. Employment Service (ES) into the One-Stop system authorized by WIOA.
Title IV—Amendments to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973: authorizes employment-related vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities, to integrate vocational rehabilitation into the One-Stop system.
Title V—General Provisions: specifies transition provisions from WIA to WIOA; TANF is a Washington state provision under this title.
Site and System Contribution
The purpose of the site certification process is assure that each WorkSource Seattle-King County WorkSource site is meeting federal, state and local standards for each of the following categories:
Areas of Review in Certification process based on ESD’s One Stop Evaluation and Certification Policy:
Functional and programmatic integration including the site’s approach to ISD and the use of functional teams This section includes reflection of the site and system agreements between partners.
Performance and accountability including use of data, incorporating staff feedback
Service Provision, including Services, Universal Access, and Outreach to 14 WIOA focus populations
Customer satisfaction and incorporating customer feedback
Staff competence and staff training participation
Employer engagement
Site-specific continuous quality improvement (CQI) goal – locally added criteria
Infrastructure Funding Agreement
The Infrastructure Funding Agreement (IFA) is managing the finances of system costs. The federal government tasked the WDCs with organizing this in 2016. The focus of the IFA is the costs necessary for the general operation of each one-stop center in the WorkSource Seattle-King County system ,such as facilities, equipment and technology accessible to customers. All partners must assist with paying the for the shared customer space in the Centers, but not Affiliate or Connection sites. Currently partners help pay for the shared space in the two centers, Auburn and North Seattle. WIOA requires that each WDC have one Center, but not more than that, so WorkSource Seattle-King County is in compliance as long as we retain at least one site with Center status through the certification process.