At the Crossroads: Choosing Transformation Over Destruction
Gabe was “in a tough spot,” according to case managers with King County Community and Human Services: Children, Youth and Young Adults Division. After becoming paralyzed from gun violence, he was at a crossroads: continue down the same path of destruction or transform his life for the better.
Domestic Violence Survivor Builds a Foundation for the Future
Leilah survived domestic gun violence and fled to Seattle, where she sought refuge with YWCA and enrolled in domestic violence (DV) services, and later the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). After getting urgently needed safety services, Leilah worked with her career navigator and DV advocate to review her strengths, background, employment history, and career goals, and came up with a plan to achieve them. She also created a safety plan, received mental health support, and joined a survivor’s support group.